Sunday, April 5, 2009

A talk

  1. Me : WHat am i doing?
  2. The other me (Inner self-IS) : you are killing yourself.

  1. Me : really?what did i do wrong?
  2. IS : you lie to yourself.

  1. Me : you mean i lie to you?
  2. IS : yes (shock her head)

  1. Me : i didn't mean to.
  2. IS: yes you do.

  1. Me : but i need to control this.
  2. IS: no don't. you are killing me, and you are killing IS.

  1. Me: I'm looking at it *STARED*..controlling, denying, hesitating...ARGHH
  2. IS: please just go and say it out loud !!!!!! You are hurting Me you know!
  1. Me: No................
  2. IS: if you do it , you'll satisfied Mr T, If you don't emm nothing happen really except YOu will HURT Mr T!!!!!!!!!
  1. Me : okay, i'll do it!
  2. IS : yes!! now say it out loud! ... ..... ...... .........

  1. Me : MAGGI !!! I want to eat you!!!
  2. IS : akhirnye , takkan berlapar aku mlm ni. KEntangputaryanglapar